Chef Serge Krikorian recently brought a taste of Italy to Little Rock’s THV11 The Vine show, where he shared his mouth-watering recipe for the Italian Hero Sandwich. This hearty and flavorful dish is a true celebration of Italian-American cuisine, combining the...
Recently featured on THV11’s The Vine with co-hosts Ashley King and Adam Bledsoe, Chef Serge Krikorian shared two of his most beloved winter chili recipes. These hearty, soul-warming dishes perfectly capture the essence of comfort food while delivering...
Welcome back to the Vibrant Occasions Catering blog, where we share the culinary masterpieces of our talented chefs and the stories behind them. Today, we’re thrilled to present a recipe that recently dazzled viewers on THV 11’s The Vine, prepared by our very...
Today, we’re excited to share a recipe that has delighted taste buds and earned rave reviews: Chef Serge Krikorian’s Chicken Tikka Masala. Originally featured on an episode of THV 11’s The Vine, this dish is a symphony of flavors, perfect for any occasion. Let’s...
Today, we delve into the art of making mozzarella, guided by the skilled hands of Chef Serge Krikorian. Recently, Chef Serge showcased this delectable process on THV 11’s The Vine with co-hosts Adam Bledsoe and Ashley King. Additionally, Chef Serge and his son, Brian...
Are you ready to take your taste buds on a journey of flavor and excitement? Look no further than Chef Serge Krikoian’s mouthwatering Wok Charred Beef recipe, recently featured on THV 11’s The Vine with Ashley King and Adam Bledsoe. This masterpiece...
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