Tortellini Caprese is a delicious Italian dish that combines the traditional flavors of Caprese salad with tortellini pasta. Tortellini is a type of filled pasta believed to have originated in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy. The Caprese salad, on the...
This baked cod with chermoula sauce recipe was first presented on THV11’s The Vine show with Ashley King and Adam Bledsoe. Did you miss that episode? Have no fear! We are here to give you the recipe along with some helpful information about this dish. Read on for...
We are truly enjoying our newly-renovated building at Vibrant Occasions! When the opportunity arose where we could obtain the space next door, we took it and expanded our working space. We considered several factors in creating a welcoming environment for our clients...
Learning how to dice a tomato properly may seem like a small detail, but it can greatly impact the taste, texture, and visual appeal of your culinary creations. In season 3, episode 4, chef Serge is showing us the proper way to dice a tomato. Learning how to dice a...
Chef Serge Krikorian with Vibrant Occasions originally revealed these refreshing recipes on THV11’s The Vine show with Ashley King and Skot Covert along with his pollo asado tacos recipe which we blogged here. In case you missed that episode, we are going to reveal...
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